by Stephen Gomez
More and more people with hypertension are turning to natural herbal medicines to lower their blood pressure. The reason? People are sick and tired of the negative side effects of prescription drugs. Natural herbal cures effectively lower blood pressure without any side effects. What are the best high blood pressure herbs?
Ginkgo Biloba is one of the most popular herbs for high blood pressure used today. It can be found in almost any drug store. Just because it is in a drug store it doesn't mean it's pharmaceutical. Ginkgo biloba is natural herb that you can take and it will reduce your hypertension. The way it works is that it improved blood circulation by dilating the arteries through which your blood runs through. Ginkgo biloba also has memory improving powers. It is actually known more for its memory improving powers than being beneficial for hypertension. So if you're starting to get forgetful, take some ginkgo biloba. It can be found in its natural root state or grounded up and found in liquid form. Either way its fine to take.
Ginger root is another one of the popular herbs for high blood pressure that people take. It is most common in Asian cuisine. Ginger root works by relaxing the muscles that surround the vessels. This allows the vessels to expand more and the pressure is reduced. Maitake is a Chinese mushroom and is part of the herbs that people take to naturally regulate their hypertension. It naturally decreases both the systolic and diastolic pressures. Another added benefit is that is also lowers cholesterol! You can find it easily in Asian markets.
Herbs have always been used to treat hypertension for thousands of years. They have been used even before people knew what hypertension was. This is the natural medicine that has stood the test of time. Herbs for blood pressure are usually more affordable than medications. Another member of the herbs for high blood pressure family is the world known, hawthorn berry. The hawthorn berry is used to open the coronary arteries, increase blood flow and strengthen the heart muscle. It is a very versatile and weather resistant berry. If you can find seeds for it, plan them and grown them in your home.
These are some of the most powerful and widely used high blood pressure herbs. Because it's inconvenient to purchase each herb individually, most people simply use a multi-herb supplement. Perhaps the most popular is called Hyperzosin, which has been featured on Oprah, CNN, and in USA Today. It contains a perfectly balanced blend of herbs for lowering blood pressure naturally. The best part is there are no side effects! You can live a healthy, active life just like people with normal blood pressure. - 39969
About the Author:
Reduce your salt intake as it increases blood pressure. High Blood Pressure Herbs There are some general tips and lifetyle tips and advice you must follow. Pleasant walks, light gardening, letter writing can make you feel at ease.
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