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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Advances in Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment

by Peter Alexis

The following paragraphs detail a drug-free approach to the management of psoriatic arthritis. Alternative medicine or natural cures have always been a particular interest of mine. I think that modern medicine handles medical emergencies of things like stitches and broken bones very well. Where it comes up short in is the management of chronic conditions and diseases and promoting health. The modern medical approach really is just symptom based with no real desire to discover or treat the root cause of the problem. I have never been a big fan of painkillers for headaches or antibiotics for sickness. I loved trying out new alternative cures for a sore throat or skin condition. But this love for natural remedies was really pushed to the edge when I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis.

I am the first one to admit that helping a common cold with some garlic and vitamin C, is different from helping an auto-immune diseasesuch as psoriatic arthritis. But how different is it? The basic premise should be the same, as it was famously said 'you are what you eat'. Diet and nutrition certainly play a role in helping problems such as psoriatic arthritis. This article will briefly introduce that concept but for more detail about the psoriatic arthritis diet please see my article on the psoriatic arthritis diet. Also this article will look at emotional and mental aspects of the disease and cover the best nutritional supplements that can help your psoriatic arthritis.

I believe a psoriatic arthritis diet should have a heavy focus on vegetables and fruits. Good clean sources of protein that are organic, so this basically includes beef, chicken and fish. A healthy focus on fats. Do not ever use vegetable oil or canola oil for cooking or for anything. Forget what you have heard about saturated fat, get back to how we use to cook food. In good stable fats like lard and butter. Add coconut products to your diet. Eliminate wheat and diary. This is vital, as these food promote inflammatory and auto-immune responses in the body. Now this diet probably sounds a bit extreme, for more information see my article on the psoriatic arthritis diet.

It has been said that stress is the cause of 90 percent of all illness. Regardless of the exact figure the role of stress or the mental aspect ofdisease cannot be ignored. It is a testament of the amazing capabilities of the human body to endure all the stresses we put on it. People are able to eat a poor diet, not exercises, ingest toxins and poisons etc, and the still live. But while they may not be dying they are far from healthy. Just because the body can survive on a poor lifestyle does not mean it is living in an optimal state of health and that is what we want to achieve in times of illness. Learn to handle your mental stress. I recommend meditation and yoga. These should become part of your daily schedule. Start slowly and modify the yoga to suit your current joint capabilities. Put your life and everyday situations in perspective, step back a little bit, just breathe and relax a bit more.

The last part of a psoriatic arthritis to talk about is nutritional supplements. Over the last few years there have been a lot of new anti-inflammation supplements and this is good news for psoriatic arthritis. Supplements are a pay for what you get products. I do not believe in buying supplements from the supermarket, go to a certified health practitioner and buy practitioner only supplements. These will be better quality and more potent. For anti-inflammatory purposes a good place to start is high doses of fish oils. To help with digestion and gut health a good quality probiotic. And an anti-inflammatory mixture. Try to find a product with turmeric, cat's claw and boswelia in it. What you want is a good combination product with all the best anti-inflammatory herbs.

This article is a starting point for an outline of a natural approach to dealing with psoriatic arthritis. It is simply offering an option besides just taking medication. Some people may not be aware that there are medication free alternative available. If the above recommendations seem very different to what you are currently doing, then that is good. Because obviously what you have been doing is not working, so you need a change. Start slowly with the recommendations. Take each day one at a time and try to make it an improvement on the previous day. This is not something that will happen overnight, it will take some time, effort and patience.

About the Author:

For more hints and tips on psoriatic arthritis treatment, visit author Peter Alexis' website which is all about the most powerful psoriatic arthritis treatment.

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